The meeting explored the importance of art and cultural principals in the sphere of knowledge and socio-cultural development. We investigated physical and metaphysical spaces as tools to enhance human diversity and foster conscious emotional expression, examining joy, sharing and community belonging as key elements for individual and collective well-being.
The afternoon began with an expressive-relational workshop led by artist Jacopo Natoli, focusing on the experience of exhaustion without fatigue, where the protagonist, though exhausted, finally sits down without feeling tired.
During the workshop, a collective drawing was created in which each participant chose an object or element that would help them relax before going to sleep. Guided by the artist, each person selected their element and began to represent it on a sheet of paper. Next, the sheet was passed to the partner next to them, who added their own element. This sharing process continued until each person had the opportunity to contribute to the drawing on each sheet. At the end of the workshop, each participant ended up with his or her own sheet, enriched by everyone else’s contributions.
The meeting concluded with the participatory performance action, of energy painting melAjna® method, From I to WE curated by Monica Melani.