SEIEMEZZA. The suburbs of art is an urban revitalisation project that aims to probe the value and meaning of time in its subjective and relative sense, as well as the indelible impact it has on the landscape and the life that flows through it. Seiemezza is the time of the beginning of the daily routine, when the streets fill up, people move and get on the tube, and the suburbs connect to the centre.
SEIEMEZZA. The suburbs of art involved an interdisciplinary working group of artists, local residents and young professionals. The project was realised in collaboration with the students of the 24Ore Business School in Rome to foster the synergy of young students entering the world of work and to enhance the peripheral areas of the city. It was promoted by the Culture and Tourism Department of Rome with the transversal collaboration of Zètema Progetto Cultura and the
Elsa Morante Cultural Centre.