On The Breadline is a project by Elena Bellantoni winner of the 4th edition of Italian Council (2018) and promoted by Wunderbar Cultural Projects. On the Breadline is an itinerant project developed over a year and travels along the ‘bread road’ of 4 countries: Italy, Greece, Serbia and Turkey.
During her research in each city, the artist created, together with women’s choirs, a performance accompanied by the protest song Bread & Roses. The text originates from a 1912 speech by Rose Schneiderman, a US socialist feminist leader, declaimed during a major strike by women workers. A different song each time was translated into the language of origin of the countries involved, following a musical score created by Sandra Cotronei. The element of chorus and bread are essential because they become the instrument to narrate the social and political uprisings that are in the DNA of each country, particularly those countries historically and geographically linked to the Mediterranean.
“If it is true that man does not live by bread alone, I will try to push myself on the ‘breadline’ and give voice to this line I will follow. My personal ‘song’ will take on the rhythm of an old typewriter, on which I will transcribe my logbook day by day. My notes will echo the notes sung, in four different languages, by the choirs. For me, artistic work is born of encounter: in this case with the territory – whose signs and traces I will follow – and with an all-women choir. I have chosen to make this project exclusively female because I believe that today more than ever there is a need to take the floor and give voice. I believe that this ‘poetic gesture’ is necessary, not only to recount a long past of struggles and protests, but also to speak deeply about our present.” Elena Bellantoni says.